How to Free Yourself From Constant Self-Doubt and Find Motivation

I have recently decided to (re)start a YouTube channel in my 40s, and let me tell you: self-doubt has been creeping in day in and day out.

Self-doubt can be a persistent and debilitating force, keeping you from reaching your full potential. It often feels like a never-ending cycle: doubting yourself, feeling unmotivated, and then doubting yourself even more for being unmotivated. 

But breaking free from this cycle is possible (or so I keep telling myself!). So I thought I would share with you some tips to overcome self-doubt and find the motivation to pursue your goals with confidence (and a chance to remind myself as well!).

1. Acknowledge Your Self-Doubt 🌟

The first step to overcoming self-doubt is to acknowledge it. Recognize when you're having self-doubtful thoughts and understand that it's a common experience (trust me!). Everyone has moments of self-doubt, but it's how you respond to them that matters. By acknowledging your self-doubt, you can start to address it rather than letting it control you.


2. Identify the Source

Understanding where your self-doubt comes from can be incredibly empowering. Is it rooted in past failures, negative feedback, or unrealistic expectations? Once you identify the source, you can start to challenge these thoughts and reframe your perspective. Remember, your past does not define your future.


3. Challenge Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can be powerful, but they’re not always accurate. Challenge them by questioning their validity. Ask yourself, "Is this thought based on facts or assumptions?" and "What evidence do I have to support this belief?" Often, you'll find that these thoughts are exaggerated or unfounded. Replace them with positive affirmations and realistic perspectives.


4. Set Realistic Goals

Setting achievable goals can help build your confidence. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate each small victory along the way, as this will boost your self-esteem and motivation. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. And as my favorite business mentor, Marie Forleo, always says: “We are aiming for progress, not perfection.”


5. Surround Yourself with Supportive People

The people you surround yourself with can have a significant impact on your mindset. Seek out friends, family, or mentors who are supportive and encouraging. Their positive reinforcement can help counteract self-doubt and keep you motivated. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, advice, and a little cheering when you need it.


6. Practice Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend. Be patient with yourself and recognize that everyone makes mistakes and has setbacks. Self-compassion involves recognizing your humanity and forgiving yourself for your imperfections. This shift in mindset can help reduce self-doubt and foster a more positive outlook.


7. Take Action

One of the best ways to overcome self-doubt is to take action, even if it’s a small step. Action creates momentum, and each step forward builds your confidence. Don’t wait for the perfect moment or for your self-doubt to disappear; start now and let the progress fuel your motivation.


8. Reflect on Your Achievements

Take time to reflect on what you have already achieved. Remind yourself of your past successes and the challenges you have overcome. Keeping a journal or a list of accomplishments can serve as a powerful reminder of your capabilities and boost your self-confidence. And if you don’t have a list already, well, right now is the perfect moment to start one!


9. Engage in Activities That Energize You

Find activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good about yourself. Whether it's yoga, meditation, hiking, spending time with loved ones (that includes dogs, obviously), or taking a break to come on retreat with us, engaging in activities that energize you can help shift your focus away from self-doubt and towards positivity and motivation.


10. Stay Persistent and Patient

Overcoming self-doubt is not an overnight process. It requires persistence and patience. Keep practicing these strategies and be gentle with yourself along the way. With time, you'll find that self-doubt has less of a hold on you, and you'll be more motivated to pursue your goals.

Remember, you have the strength and capability to achieve great things. Believe in yourself and take that first step towards a more confident and motivated you. I promise I am doing the same for me and cheering you along the way!

With gratitude, as always,



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