The Power of Community: Why Humans Thrive Together

Two weeks ago, during my visit to the US to see friends, I had the opportunity to attend an AL-Anon meeting as an observer. Despite my lack of prior experience with support group settings, I found myself deeply moved by the sense of camaraderie and care that filled the room.

Watching complete strangers come together to uplift and encourage one another was profoundly humbling. It prompted me to reflect on the power of community and the ways in which we, as humans, thrive when we connect with members of our 'tribe'—and by tribe, I don’t mean family or those we live or work close to, but rather individuals who resonate with us on a deeper level, whether energetically or through shared life circumstances that we encounter along the way.

Back in 2020, after the loss of my daughter Aixa at the end of my pregnancy due to a rare complication, I found myself completely lost in the dark, despite being surrounded by my loving family and friends, both near and far, who tried to support me in every possible way. However, at that time in my life, I was fortunate enough not to know any other mothers in real life who had experienced such a sudden and unexpected loss, leaving me feeling extremely lonely.

Thankfully, the internet came to the rescue, providing me with the opportunity to connect with other strangers who had shared this tragic life event. Suddenly, I wasn't alone in this scary, dark world of grief. While nothing could take away the pain, hearing others' stories gave me a sense of strength to carry on; if those who had walked this path before me could survive, perhaps I could too.

As I observed this AL-Anon meeting recently, I couldn't help but reflect on how beneficial it would have been for my healing if I had had the chance to join a community like this in the early stages of my grieving journey, in addition to the written resources I found through blogs and social media. There's something to be said about the comfort, validation, and sense of belonging you find when you surround yourself with others who are on a similar, albeit unwanted, journey.

Perhaps that's why I cherish the community that forms each time we host a retreat here at Villa Laguna since we reopened as a retreat center in November 2023. It's incredibly powerful to witness a group of strangers come together for a few days and quickly become each other’s support network. Whether someone is transitioning careers, overcoming a failed relationship, facing health issues, or dealing with other common life challenges, we listen, we hug, we cry, we laugh, and we lift each other up. What’s even better, this sense of connection extends far beyond the duration of the retreat in many cases.

People might think that joining a yoga retreat is all about the yoga, but in my experience, the bonds created by the group members during this time can bring as much inner peace, mental clarity, and profound connectedness as any physical or meditative practice. In an increasingly digital world, real-life communities like these ones offer a tangible way to fulfill the innate human need for connection and belonging. While social media and online networks provide opportunities for virtual interaction, nothing can replace the richness of face-to-face engagement and real-world community experiences.

So, are you craving a sense of community? Check out our calendar for upcoming retreats and get a taste of what a yoga retreat community is really about. 

With gratitude, 


Owner and Retreat Host

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