November 2023

We responded to the call from “Vital Actions” to support their turtle rescue efforts in southern Nicaragua

We have always been big fans of the work that founder Tim and the rest of the crew at Vital Actions carry out every day, not only with their very effective turtle rescue program, but also with other efforts to protect the fauna as well as reforesting the Collado Nature Reserve.

Miriam and the lovely group trip “From Lagoon to Ocean” were able to personally visit the turtle nursery at the beach, learn more about the program and hand in personally this donation that will help these guys continue their very needed work in the area.

Total Donation: $200 USD

We sponsored the transportation across the country for a young donkey that was run over by a vehicle and left in a ditch severely injured.

Fundación Rescatando Huellas, that you might remember from previous cases, called for help after the case of this young donkey was reported to them.

The poor thing, named “Ocotito” as he was found near Ocotal, a town in the north of the country bordering Honduras, had been run over by a vehicle and was found at the side of the road unable to move. The ladies at the organization offered to help, but they needed support to transport Ocotito to their facilities, located about 200 miles away, not far from us.

We stepped in and covered the entire cost of the transportation thanks to a contribution from our friends at Operation Liberation in Fort Lauderdale FL and one of its supported who had visited us earlier this month.

Ocotito made it to the rescue center, and received specialized emergency vet care, but very sadly, the diagnosis from the vet team was not what we wanted to hear. He had fractured his spine and had severe secondary health issues derived from the days he was left on the ground after the accident. His recovery was nearly impossible with the resources available here and the decision was made to put him to sleep to end his suffering in a dignified way. Rescue work is so hard some times. And not all the stories end happily. But at least we know we helped this soul find peace and die surrounded by the love he deserved.

Total Donation: $110 USD

We covered the cost of the emergency dental care required for a new rescue horse and more.

Our friends at El Mirador de Galán Horse Rescue Center were busy recently with a new rescue.

Lorenzo, as it has been named, is a young horse that was reported living in the dumpster outside the local market of a town an hour away from us, for at least a year. It looks like he was abandoned after he suffered an injury to his back leg that left him with mobility but not able to continue pulling carts. After a diet of only garbage for so long, his teeth are in terrible condition as well as his overall health.

The volunteers were able to move him to the Rescue Center and the equine dentist came over for a thorough check. It is confirmed his upper teeth are of no use and will require specialized care for the rest of them. He will require a special diet.

The dentist also consulted on a couple of other horses and administered vaccines needed for a couple others, so it was overall a very successful day. We were able to cover the bill for all the work done and we hope you will join us on welcoming Lorenzo to the herd!

Total Donation: $200 USD

Would you like to be part of something real?

Join one of our retreats or group experiences (all include a donation!) or if you prefer, make your donation of any amount you wish to the “Memorias de Aixa” Fund, and help us to continue supporting causes that we personally seek to help people and animals who really need us. All funds go directly to where they are needed and we always keep you up to date on everything.